Resize the persistent disk in the Google Cloud Platform Console:
- Go to the Compute Engine page.
- Click on "Disks" in the sidebar
- Click the name of the disk that you want to resize.
- At the top of the disk details page, click "Edit".
- In the "Size" field, enter the new size for your disk.
- At the bottom of the disk details page, click "Save" to apply your changes to the disk.
- After you resize the disk, you must resize the disk partitions so that the operating system can access the additional space.
Then, on Debian/Ubuntu/etc. run:
$ sudo apt install -y cloud-utils # Debian jessie
$ sudo apt install -y cloud-guest-utils # Debian stretch, Ubuntu
$ sudo growpart /dev/sda 1
$ sudo resize2fs /dev/sda1
or, for RedHat/Fedora/CentOS/etc.:
$ sudo dnf install -y cloud-utils-growpart
$ sudo growpart /dev/sda 1
$ sudo xfs_growfs -d /
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